Monday, September 10, 2012

6 Random Facts

My friend once told me that I had allot of weird facts in my head, after she told me this I wrote her a whole letter of my random facts of knowledge. After I sent the letter I thought of a bunch more and thought why not share these awesome random facts that I use all of the time!

1) When using a box cake mix replace the water with milk. Your cake will taste better and will be moist! People will want to know what your cake recipe is!

3) Alright girls you know when your mascara is almost gone but you really really don't want to go buy a new tube. Don't! Just add a few drops of contact solution! It works I do it all the time! You can usually do it up to three times and it last much longer!

4) Don't you just hate when you accidentally get deodorant stain on your clothes?! Don't sweat it....just grab a cotton sock and gently rub the area with the deodorant with the sock it will come right off! No water needed nothing! I got deodorant on my prom dress and it came right off with the sock.

5) Alright I have read sooo many articles on how to get stains out...but I have now found something that really actually works! I have done it twice now once on a shirt that had motor oil and once on a shirt that had   meat grease on it. Just spray carpet cleaner on the affected area than just throw into the washer with soap. (We use tide) Next thing you know the stain is gone!

6) When you have a pot of boiling water on the stove throw a wooden spoon across the top and it won't boil over! It really works and has saved me a huge mess more than once!

And those are my six random facts that I love!

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