Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Religious Speaking

Since I sorta just made this blog for ranting I believe I will continue to do so. Last night I was at a coffee shop just hanging out with a few of my friends. On my way into the coffee shop I noticed a group of girls in a huddle holding hands and obviously praying. When I saw them I smiled and thought honestly you have to live on the Bible belt to see a group of people praying and right next to them a group of people smoking pot, I also thought isn't that cool though. You definitely see more of it down here but, I just thought some people are ashamed to pray in public. I know when I was younger I hated praying when we went out to eat. Somehow the waiter would always show up while we were praying or people would stare at us. As I matured I realized praying in public is the least I can do unashamedly for Jesus.

I headed inside and forgot about the whole thing, until about 30 min later when the same group of girls came into the coffee shop. They were huddled in their little group about 5 feet away from our table. I noticed they kept glancing at us until they finally decided to approach us. After they introduced themselves the first things out of their mouths was "What do you think about Heaven and Hell?" "If you were to die tonight would you want to go to Hell?" Of course we explained to them what we believed and they were encouraged. We were invited back to there bible study and than they said "Pray for us we are headed over to that group of girls over there!"

Now I disagree with a few things about the way they were doing this. First of all if I was a non-believer I can guarantee that what they said would have been a huge turn off to me. Why?! Because, my first thought may be what if I don't even believe in a heaven or a hell? Second if I did, my thought may be why would I want to go to heaven with a bunch of people like that? And thirdly, I think I would feel unappreciated. I would feel like, man they just want to say that they "saved a soul" another check off their list of things to do today. Never to hear from them again. These girls that came up to us seemed like great girls! Really they did they were happy and smiley and I believe they are headed in the right direction.

Now you may ask well now Laura what would you do differently?! How else are you going to reach out to the lost people of your town?! First I would say we are all lost and I believe we need to realize this daily. Without Jesus we are as lost as lost can be. It is him living IN and THROUGH us that makes us found. The next step I would say is befriend the people that are lost but, don't friend them for that exact reason. Jesus came to earth to show the lost (us) the life (himself). Do you ever see Jesus randomly walking up to people and saying. "Hey I am the Son of God and well lets put it simply you are going to die and go to hell without me oh yah and btw in order for you to go to heaven I am going to have to die for you and THAN rise up from the grave so that you can go to heaven with me." (Big sigh) Nope never ever see him doing that. When Jesus calls Zaccheus down from the tree, what do you see? You do not see Jesus rushing about trying to get him to believe in him so that he can move onto the next person nope. You see Jesus going to eat dinner with Zaccheus! A whole meal with just Zaccheus. Do you think Zaccheus felt like Jesus was just trying to win him over? No, I know he felt so at ease and amazed by Jesus that he sought out a way to be more like Jesus. He wanted to please Jesus, and he found the best way for him to serve Jesus was to give up almost all of his possessions and give back 4x what he stole from those around him. That is what we need to be doing; we need to be such a light that people want to ask us why are you so different? What is it about you?! That right there friends is how we can share the gospel without running around with out big bibles asking people if they think they are going to hell or not.

Speaking of that. Why do we go around saying: "Do you think you are going to heaven or hell?" Why do we put it that way? Maybe because we think that we can scare people into believing in Christ. Maybe we ourselves think that going to heaven it the only plus to being a Christian. Whew at least we have eternal life not in a fire hole. Naw those are the wrong questions to ask. Yah they are partly true but, mostly incorrect. I think people should be told about heaven and hell AFTER they are told about Jesus. Did you know the whole reason there is a heaven is...wait for it.....because of JESUS. Heaven is supposed to be a place where we can rest with Jesus. Not a place where we go just cus we trust that Jesus does exist. Nope our motive for being a Christian should be living to the best of our ability for the Creator of this universe. You know he is the only person who understands exactly how I feel. The only person who has never broken my trust. The only person who will be patient enough to listen to me rant all the time. And he is the only person who has enough grace in him to forgive me every single day! I seriously cannot wait to meet him face to face. It's kinda like talking to my best friend on the phone all the time and you count down the days until you can go see them! I cannot wait until I can get to heaven and give my best friend a hug!

Yes I do think these girls are headed the right way and I do think we have all done the same thing before. But please let us check our motives and our actions. Lets us be a light to this dark world by being who we are in Christ. If we are living for Christ people will want to know why we are soo different! Think about it how many different times did people come up to Jesus? And in the thousands no less. Jesus actually had to flee from them just to get some sleep. Guess who didn't run to Jesus....the people caught up in religious fog. Following Jesus is not a religion at all it is living.

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