Friday, April 25, 2014

What Defines a Leader?

Throughout my life I have been told that I am a natural born leader. Sometimes I wonder if it's a nice way of telling me that I am extremely bossy or if it is actually a compliment. Either way I started thinking (like I always do) what makes a great leader? Is it the way they carry themselves, their age, their enthusiasm, their upbringing? What is the definition of a leader? So, I sought out answers to my my questions and came up with a list of things that I observed in mature leaders.

As I thought through people that I would say are or were great leaders, I thought about the well known leaders who were powerful generals, church history changers, presidents, and founders, but I also thought about people in my every day life who step up to the plate daily as leaders. As I mulled over each person, I pulled out the common threads that makes them unique as leaders. 

1) Leaders are problem solvers. We wouldn't even need leaders if there were no problems or fear of problems arising. Therefore that makes constructive leaders problem solvers. They are the ones who don't make hasty decisions and seek the counsel of others who are wise. The ones that look out for the interests of others while making decisions. The ones that are always thinking, learning, and striving for new knowledge. These are the ones that make helpful problem solving decisions. 

2) Leaders are humble. Some of the greatest leaders throughout the worlds history were great because of their humility. The person that humbly takes charge is the one that earns respect among the people they are leading. Instead of always delegating they are willing to get their hands dirty and work along side others. This is the person that can put others needs above his own. They won't let their power and authority go to their heads; instead they are personal and willing to listen to those around them.

3) Leaders take initiative. Although they may be afraid of stepping forward, they will do it anyways. They are willing to say what needs to be said or do what needs to be done in any situation. Whether that is standing up for someone's rights to the simplicity of organizing an event. In all scenarios they are the first ones to take the leap of faith, be it a simple leap or a difficult leap. 

4) Leaders earn respect. A good leader is always setting an example. An example that deserves to be respected. I believe that these leaders earn respect by how their actions speak. They are honest, reliable people; people that will fight for the well being of others. I don't know about you, but somebody who is honest and loyal to me, that is somebody who will earn my full respect.

5) Leaders are responsible. One thing that I love about leaders is that they take on their responsibilities well. They always strive to achieve more, going the extra mile. The best leaders are the ones who take all their responsibilities seriously, from the biggest ones to the tiniest ones; they give their best. And when they do mess up, (because they are humans and they will mess up) they take responsibility for their actions. They won't justify or cover up their mess, but they will own up to it and take the steps towards repairing the damage they have created. 

6) Leaders are communicators. I don't think I was born a natural leader, I honestly don't think anybody is. I think that some people's personalities are more inclined to take on leadership skills, but they are not magically there. We all had to learn from somebody how to talk and walk, so likewise to become a leader we have to learn from the experiences of other mature leaders. Thankfully the best leaders are patient teachers. A big part of being a leader in any situation is communicating clearly and patiently all kinds of information and tasks. Just watch a leader, they are generally guiding and helping the people around them. This is how someone learns how to become leaders. 

7) Leaders are not saviors. As I was going through a list in my mind of the hundreds of leaders over the years, I saw a repetitive theme; they were human. Sadly they let others down, sometimes they were selfish, or afraid, never perfect. Most of them left a huge and beautiful mark on the world, something to be admired and looked up to, but we also see the flaws and the heartbreak. Is there any hope for us to be upstanding and impactful leaders? When you look back over history there is one perfect leader. Jesus. He left us an amazing example of what a leader should look like and thankfully He also gives us the strength each day to be leaders that move and empower the world. 

Which leads me to my eighth and final point. Leaders are game changers. This is probably my favorite thing about the most spectacular leaders in history. They changed the way things are. They stepped up to the challenges of being a leader and rewrote history. They didn't care what the world had to say about their thoughts, beliefs, and actions and look where it got them. Now obviously we can't all be famous history changers, but we can be generation changers. We need family leaders, encouraging leaders, community leaders, passionate leaders, church leaders, healthcare leaders, we need people everywhere who will step up in their day to day chores and become game changers.



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