Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Rainy Days

There is something about rainy days that I just love. I love them almost as much as a snowy day. (And that is saying allot.) As much as I love rainy days I will say though that a streak of rainy days is awful. Along with plain old cloudy days. I figure, it might as well rain if it's going to be dark and cloudy. OK now with that clarification out of the way I will now tell you why rainy days are so amazing.

Before my brother, Nate, came along I was a single child and even when he did come it wasn't till he was around 2 that I actually got to play with him. For the first 5 years of my life I was all by myself. I loved to play outside and with my dolls and with my imagination. When my brothers were old enough to play I would get so frustrated because, all of a sudden they didn't want to play house. They wanted to make bomb shelter forts and pretend machine guns, and pretend the stupidest things I had ever heard of as a girl. I will never for get the time they dug a deep hole, (we don't have GA clay in MN so it's easy to dig a hole quickly) than they put these ginormous logs around the hole, and took turns putting each other into it and putting a big wooden board on top. For me I never understood the fun of trapping each other in a hole?! I would sometimes play as the nurse or spy but, for the most part I would just get frustrated with them and their ridiculous ideas. (Ridiculous in my opinion at the time) The only times I ever got to play exactly what I wanted to play with no annoying boy twisting the story was on rainy days. While the boys watched a movie or played Lego's I got to make forts and play with my dolls in my bedroom. I loved the lightning and rain as the lights glowed and twinkled and my imagination came alive. It was quite relaxing and I enjoyed the time to myself.

Plain old rainy days a great but when you throw in the thunder I am in heaven! I love love love falling asleep to the sound of rain on the roof and I have been blessed all my life to have a room that is either up stairs or the house is only one level. Rain is such a beautiful sound. At my home in MN there was a leak somewhere in my closet but, I could never find it because, I am pretty sure it was right behind the wall. But as I laid in my bed listening to the torrents of rain coming down I would also hear this one solitaire rain drop dripping in my closet, it was such a comforting sound. Peaceful.

Another thing I love about rainy days is Adele. On those cold rainy days when you are snuggled up inside the voice that one usually prefers to listen to is Adele's. Probably due to the fact that her voice and types of melody's just match the rains. (Maybe cus she has a song about rain as well? haha.) I relish the feeling of curling up with a good book with Adele's voice singing in the background. There is just something about a day like that.

Now I know this is quite a big leap from calm and relaxing but, every great once in awhile if I really don't feel like being calm and restful on a rainy day, me and my brothers will head over to the trampoline while it is down pouring. I hardly ever go on the trampoline but, when I do it is usually while it is raining. When I move out and get my own house or apartment and have a back yard I may just have to buy a trampoline for those rainy days. ;)

For me rainy days are my (usually my) stress relieving days. I am the type of person who enjoys being with people allot but, if it's raining I am probably in my room listening to Adele, and working on some Pinterest craft. Growing up rainy days have always been a day that I hide out. I don't really know why but it has become habit and lets just put it this way I love and adore rainy days. The only thing that could maybe possibly make it any better would be kissing in the rain....but we won't go there right now.
For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return there but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater
Isiah 55:10


  1. Love this Laura. As usual you painted a word picture that I could easily visualize and that is what writing is all about. Love to you!
