Thursday, November 29, 2012

S-K-I-I-N-G (Skiing)

Warning: The following article has allot of MN sarcasm. 

Dear GA/Southern Friends and People,
For those of you who have never skied/snowboarded I will now explain to you in great detail what the word SKIING means. By now I have lived down here for a year so I pray that I have at least talked about snow enough that you know what it is. If not please just Google deep snow. Your 2 centimeters does NOT count. Ok so now that we have that all clarified I will now begin the process of explaining to you how you get ready for skiing! You NEVER just walk out your front door. (You will most likely die of instant hypothermia so pay attention)

Step one is finding all the proper clothing. There is a lot of clothing to! If I know I am going to a ski meet the next day I will check and make sure I have all the proper clothing washed and laying out so I forget nothing! Here is the list:
Smart wool socks! And they have to be smart wool
nothing else seems to work! Also note you may
want to put these on after the long underwear.

Long Johns, Long Underwear, Thermals,
Whatever you want to call them! I like the
Patagonia ones. Also these are not meant
to be worn as clothing! The UNDER part
is very important!!!!

Up next is the long sleeve shirt. I usually
would just wear a thicker cotton shirt.
(If it was a SUPER cold day I would put
a sweatshirt over this as well)

Next you are going to put on a pair of
sweatpants! Jeans are extremely uncom-
fortable and you want to be able to move!

At this point I will now put on a pair of
thin gloves! You need these so you can
drive and carry things, and scrape the ICE
off of your car with an ICE SCRAPER.
note: A credit card does not work on the
ice in MN.

Now it is finally time for the snow pants!!

Put on that thin jacket for day below 10

If you are headed out to ski now is the
time you put on your mittens! (They
must be the feather ones! Otherwise your
hands will literally freeze!) And never
EVER wear gloves! They do NOT work! 

Finally you get to put on your
winter parka!! Yay!!

And the last ingredient to the puzzle
is a hat! You must wear this! And
everybody does! It's a style trend
in MN. I have lots of these bad boys! 

Now that is what you will need if you are just going for a day of skiing in the freezing cold temps! Now if you are a ski team member you will need one last article of clothing!!! A GS suit! It is made for speed!
These come in many different colors and designs! (And yes I do have one!)

Now that you guys know what clothing to wear I will now tell you what kind of equipment you will need!

Wait for it....

Race Skis in other words My Skis
Regular Ski in other words Your Skis


Race Poles! (For blocking gates)

Regular Poles


Race Helmet so you don't break
your nose! 

Regular Helmet so when you fall you don't get a
head injury!


Cough...Cool people boots...Cough
Racer Boots

Regular Boots! (Warmer!! haha)

Shin Guards for Racers Only!

I think it's pretty obvious what they are for!

Ok so since I can't actually show you how to ski since for some reason there seems to be no snow to ski on down here! I will show you a few videos! Be sure and watch carefully!

In this here first video you can just skip to the first minute! This is pretty much how I would teach you but, I would probably be a little bit more fun! :)

Warning you will probably look like this! ;)

 Ski Racer:

This is what it looks like from my point of view! 

And this is from what would be your point of view! 

 Ok so I hope you guys learned what it means to actually ski and when I say I was on ski team I hope you now understand a little bit of what it was like!


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