Wednesday, December 5, 2012

21 Inches.

Ever since I was a little girl I have had long long hair. I have also grown up with a mom who loves to do long long hair. That meant sitting still in front of my mom countless times as she did my hair with ribbons, braids, barretts, scrunchies, and headbands. I loved it! My favorite hairstyle that she would do took the longest but, it looked the best in my opinion. She would french braid the top of my hair going right to the other side. It was kind of like a backwards half-up hair style. It was so unique and none of my friends ever had that hairstyle!

Now you would expect that with a mother that is into hair and fashion that I would pick up on some of that?! Right?! It took me till I was probably 10 to become interested in hair and fashion (matching my clothes...apparently you can't do red and pink...) I still remember to this day the day that I became really interested in hair I was at my friends house and we were playing with these Barbie dolls that had really long hair. Well she could braid it and I couldn't! I was so jealous that I had her teach me and than I had my mom teach me how to french braid. Which didn't work to well at first.

Once I understood the importance of hair I started thinking about how awful it would be to lose all my hair. Seriously guys my hair I love it sooo much that I think I would almost rather die of cancer than have to do chemo and lose my hair. Once I thought of that fear, I started thinking about all the girls that did have cancer and did lose all their hair. I don't exactly remember how it all happened but, me and my aunts decided to have a girls weekend and we went to the hair salon and I got my hair cut off to my ears. (It was originally at my butt) It was very very short and I had an ugly bob that you couldn't do anything with but, the thought that some girl could have waist length real hair made me happy.

Of course a few years later my hair was very long again and that was when I learned that a wig that is made out of real hair only last about 2-3 years if taken care of properly. So back to the hair salon I went. This time I made sure I didn't get it completely chopped off but, quite a bit still had to come off. For the past two years I have been growing it out once again. It is finally what I would say is long again! I measured it the other day and I have 21 inches of long lushes Swedish locks. I have a feeling that I'm going to get the urge to cut it off again before college...maybe....

 Of course it's not long enough for me yet but, it is most definitely getting there! Which is exciting. This time around I have done a few things differently to get my hair to grow faster. The first thing I did was move to GA, it is much more humid down here than in MN and I noticed that my hair does in fact grow much faster down here. It never grew slow before but, it never went THIS fast. The second thing that I do is I wash it less. I usually go about 3 or 4 days without washing it! Braids come in very handy on days three and four. Another thing I do is I blow dry it once every two weeks. Just once and that usually gives me about 4 or 5 days of no washing! Yay! That is good for your hair! The other times though I just let it dry on its own with mousse in it and it last usually about 3 days of no washing. The last thing that I do that seems to work like coconut oil. I love that stuff! I put it in my hair usually once or twice a month and the difference it makes in incredible! So below is the step by step and the products I use.

1) Move to a tropical location....I'm not gonna recommend GA. ;)

2) If you can't move to a tropical location....coconut oil!! You just need about a handful and massage it through your hair until it looks wet. Let it sit there for like 30 min. Than my least favorite part...wash it out with shampoo in cold water! :( I usually do this at night cus it doesn't all come out. I blow dry it till it is mostly dry. Than in the morning I wash my hair like normal dry is and bam you have the softest hair EVER!!

3) Wash your hair as little as possible!

4) Let your hair air dry! I have wavy hair so I put some mousse in it. It helps keep the frizz away and just gives it a beachy look. DON'T EVER TOUCH YOUR HAIR WELL IT IS DRYING!

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